When it comes to full-field vibration measurements, a scanning LDV (SLDV) is the oldest and the most mature non-contact measurement technology available. Polytec introduced the first version in 1992! The principle of operation is what is called raster scanning or sequential scanning. This method works flawlessly, as long as the excitation is repeatable, or in steady state conditions. But what about the case when the excitation is transient, or non-repeatable? How can one use the power of LDV, say for a full field scan of an engine-runup, or a shock event, or in characterization of non-linear behavior of a structure? The solution is a multi-point laser Doppler vibrometer – a system that molds to your needs in terms of set up, number of sensors, type of LDV, bandwidth, etc. The webinar will walk you through the motivation, principle of operation and a few application based examples.