我们还针对特殊测试需求开发出特殊的振动测试工具。如:高频范围内的超声波应用领域、旋转结构的旋转振动、垂直于测量光束的面内振动等,您都能在 Polytec 找到完美的解决方案。
VibroFlex TriMount
The new VibroFlex TriMount is a modular setup for non-contact 3D vibration measurements, consisting of a sturdy sensor holder with three VibroFlex Compact sensor heads, each interacting with a powerful VibroFlex Connect front-end. This combination enables precise and reliable vibration studies with a frequency bandwidth of up to 24 MHz for a wide range of applications. Featuring an HD+ camera and precise laser adjusting for fine positioning and its latest generation FPGA-based signal processing, TriMount captures the true acceleration, velocity and displacement of test structures.
HSV-100 高速型激光测振仪
HSV-100 高速型激光测振仪可同时测试振动位移和振动速度,振动速度高达40m/s,测试带宽高达250kHz。测量配气机构动力学时,系统的测量通道可任意扩展,并能测试台振动进行补偿。
RLV-5500 旋转式激光测振仪
RLV-5500 旋转式激光测振仪,测试带宽高达10kHz,非接触式测量任意形状的旋转结构的角速度和角位移,能帮助客户精确分析结构的旋转动力学,如传动系统、燃气轮机、发电机、打印机和复印机等,提高产品开发效率,加速故障排除。