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Deflection shape of a turbine blade

In this blog, we'll uncover the significance of HCF and VHCF testing and highlight how Polytec's innovative solutions are revolutionising this domain.

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NASA’s Curiosity Rover is a car-sized moving laboratory that landed on Mars back in 2012 and is still operational! But before launching a…

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Test setup with PSV-3D Scanning Vibrometer

We've put together some examples of why you may not have been able to measure vibration until now and some applications where vibrometers have been…

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Created by C. Howe, Polytec Limited, UK
Calibration of Optical Measurement Technology

Once upon a time, engineers would check the wheels of their trains simply by hitting them with a hammer and listening to the sound. If they rang like…

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Polytec founder on the building site of a new Polytec building

A greeting from Dr. Karl Spanner, for 42 years Managing Director of PI GmbH & Co. KG and business companion of Heinz G. Lossau.

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