VibroFlex Range是一款室外非接触式远距离振动测量解决方案,专为500米以外的大型结构的远程振动分析、模型验证和健康监测而设计。VibroFlex Range能方便地监测建筑物、工作机械和关键生产设施的结构动态和稳定性,提供快速高效的现场测试解决方案。系统获取的特征频率和振型可用于结构健康监测或有限元模型验证。
- 工作距离超过500米,远程振动分析,激光精确定位
- QTec®采用红外激光,最佳信噪比
- 能测量所有表面,甚至腐蚀和暗沉结构
- 远程测试,避免人员进入危险区域
- 真正0Hz性能,用于精确确定固有频率
- 几分钟内完成设备安装,避免样品布线和被测表面预处理
- 专利同轴高清摄像头,激光点精确定位
- 结实耐用,可户外使用 (IP63)
Optical Accessories
Scope with zoom optics. Allows an easier selection of target on uniform structures like stay-cables.
RSV-A-xxx Close-up Lenses
For use of the RSV-150 at working distances below 5 m as in lab environment.
A-MIR-xxxx Mirror Sets
Polytec's mirror sets contain different sizes of mirrors to assist in the set-up of your measurement.
Tripods, test stands, positioning stages
VIB-A-T07 Tripod with Geared Head
Rigid tripod with 3-way geared head.
RSV-A-P05 Pan/Tilt Fine Adjustment
Fine Adjustment adapter for sensor head for easy and precise targeting over long distances.
Software, data acquistion
VibSoft-20 Data Acquisition and Analysis Software
Easy-to-use vibration analysis software with 2-channel USB data acquisition up to 20 kHz.
A-CON-VIDEO USB Video Converter
Converts the sensor head camera's video signal to USB for use in the VibSoft Data Acquisition package. Required for Computers w/o video input only.
A-MON-TFT3 Monitor
12.7 cm (5”) TFT monitor with tripod mount for comfortable and easy targeting.
A-VIB-ACC1 Seismic Reference Sensor
For measurement and compensation of ambient vibration.
A-RET-xxxx Retro-Reflective Supplies
Selection of sprays, tape, sheets and micro glass beads for improvement of signal to noise ratio when measuring uncooperative surfaces.